VIC 20 Programmers Notebook

The Blacksburg Continuing Education SeriesT” of books provide a laboratory-or experimentoriented approach to electronic topics. Present and forthcoming titles in this series include:
• Advanced 6502 Interfacing
• Analog Instrumentation Fundamentals
• Apple II Assembly language
• Apple Interfacing
• Basic Business Software
• Basic Robotics Concepts
• BASIC Programmer’s Notebook
• Circuit Design Programs for the Apple II
• Circuit Design Programs for the TRS-80
• Computer Assisted Home Energy Management
• Computer Communication Techniques
• Design of Active Filters, With Experiments
• Design of Op·Amp Circuits, With Experiments
• Design of Phose-locked loop Circuits, With Expe riments
• Design of VMOS Circuits, With Experiments
• 8080/8085 Software Design (2 Volumes)
• 8085A Cookbook
• Electronic Music Circuits
• Fiber Optics Communications, Experiments, and Projects
• 555 Timer Applications Sourcebook, With Experiments
• FORTH Programming
• Guide to CMOS Basics, Circuits, & Experiments
• How to Program and Interface the 6800
• Introduction to Electronic Speech Synthesis
• Introduction to FORTH
• Microcomputer-Analog Converter Software and Hardware Interfacing
• Microcomputer Data-Base Management
• Microcomputer Design and Maintenance
• Microcomputer Interfacing With the 8255 PPI Chip
• NCR Basic Electronics Course, With Experiments
• NCR EDP Concepts Course
• PET Interfacing
• Programming and Interfacing the 6502, With Experiments
• Real Time Control With the TRS-80
• 16·Bit Microprocessors
• 6502 Software Design
• 6801, 68701, and 6803 Microcomputer Programming and Interfacing
• The 68000: Principles and Programming
• 6809 Microcomputer Programming & Interfacing, With Experiments
• STD Bus Interfacing
• TEA: An 8080/8085 Co-Resident Editor/ Assembler
• TRS-80 Assembly language Mode Simple
• TRS-80 Color Computer Interfacing, With Experiments
• TRS-80 Interfacing (2 Volumes)
• TRS-80 More Than BASIC
• Word processing for Small Businesses

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