3583 – Quick Reference HandBook VIC 20

Manuale di riferimento, rilasciato da Jeff Denial. Nuova versione marzo 2023.

Welcome! This manual is intended to provide quick reference for the VIC 20 computer. It presumes a basic understanding of VIC 20 programming and is designed around my personal preferences as a user. This is version 0.8 released in March of 2023.

Tables and maps are informed by the foundational works of Jim Butterfield, Andy Finkel, Neil Harris, Paul Higginbottom, Michael Tomczyk, Russ Davies, Bob Yannes, Dale Gilbert, Brian Grainger, Karl Hildon, Raeto Colin West, Jim Wilcox, Ward F. Shrake, Paul Le Brasse, Michael Krause, Andreas Dripke, Sven Petersen, David Barron, and others including ongoing research by members of the Denial community.

Thanks to Denial contributors chysn, wimoos, DarwinNE, Schlowski, srowe, Vic-20-Ian, Noizer, joshuadenmark, Kweepa, orion70, AndyH, Mike, necronom, vicist, mathom, thegg, doug_in_nc, pixel, and others for suggestions, proofreading, and content.

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